"Let It Snow"

Dr. Logan Snow has spent years attempting to help people with grief during the Christmas holidays. Through an interesting use of Christmas music and group discussion therapy, he tries to break down the barriers between the pain of losing a loved one and the joy of Christmas.

This session takes a strange turn when Amy arrives at the order of the police department she works for. She has slowly been descending into a frustrated detective with no patience for anything. When Dean opens up the session with his newfound love for Christmas despite watching wife die on Christmas eve it sets the stage for the others in the group to open up about God, love and the desperate feeling associated with the death of a loved one.

Let it Snow is now being used across the country as a tool for grief counseling during the holidays. This film will leave you smiling and in tears as you follow the stories of a detective, a comedian, a high school student and her grandfather trying to raise her. Let it Snow is a heart felt film determined to find the true meaning of Christmas.

Let it Snow • Run Time: 42 minutes • Rated G • Starring: Blake Smith  Drez Ryan  Holly Clark  Darren Marshall  Sara Lucas Jack McConnell • Screenplay by: Rick Welch and Kaylee Sellers • Produced and Directed by: Rick Welch and Kaylee Sellers

Let it snow - a tacky tie short